14 August 2009

Cleaning for the Party

This morning,
cleaning for the party
I found:

a Hot Wheel in the dishwasher
a round brush in the rock garden
a spider in the curtain folds
jacks in the fire place
many marbles
many buttons
cutips behind the wastebasket
a plastic pony on the porch
pipecleaners in the grass
a headless rubber snake
two rocks and a penny in the washing machine
a green tomato on the patio
a line of ants
the last of a broken beer bottle
popcorn under the sofa
a flea
way too many wires
my missing toothbrush on the wine rack
two dusty 7lb weights
and a pair of underwear... on the bookshelf.

1 comment:

  1. I like: the penny in the washing machine....for good luck
    a hot wheel in the dishwasher....someone wants a shiny car
    I wonder about: the beer bottle...hhhhmmmm
    the missing toothbrush...found! Stick IT in the dishwasher
    the underwear on the bookshelf...hhhhmmmm
    I relate to: way too many wires! How is that there are soooo many
    wires in our homes?
    I really like categorizing....it means something to me...I just haven't analyzed the theory behind it....
